Meet Your Speaker

Simon Bedard, Buy Grow Sell Summit 2023 Co-Host & Speaker

Simon Bedard

Founder & CEO, Exit Advisory Group

Host, Buy Grow Sell Podcast

Forbes Business Advisory Council

Simon is vocal in his message to business owners. He knows that most people start their companies to achieve some type of freedom — whether it's financial, time, or the freedom to set their own rules. Yet very few achieve this. As a passionate advisor to business owners, he is determined to change this by helping entrepreneurs build valuable businesses and exit on their own terms.

Simon has over 20 years experience in the finance, investment, energy, and technology sectors. He has been an investment advisor to high-net-worth clients and private companies, at one of Australia's largest banks, he holds an MBA (with distinction), and a Diploma in Financial Markets. He is also a licensed Business Broker, a Registered Business Valuer, and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and the Australian Institute of Business Brokers.

More importantly, Simon has started, bought, and exited companies, so he walks in the shoes of business owners. Now, he turns his attention to helping business owners sort through the complexity of family and business life, and helps them steer their businesses towards achieving their goals.

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